Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Last week was Tayt's first game of tee ball. Peyton, Lia, and Austyn all opted out of playing this year and by golly... I was *not* talking any of them into it. Having just ONE child in a sport... I'll take it!

I can't say for sure if Tayt was excited. His attire sure suggests he is pumped but the days and hours leading up to game time... not so pumped. I thinkkkk he's making progress and might even have enjoyed his game tonight. Here are photos from the very first night :)

Drew supporting

Homer supporting


T third from the right side (back of the pack). His coach makes them run bases after every game. He wasn't quite sure what to make of this the first night. Let me tell ya, fun to watch!

gosh darn cute kid!

the chaos of packing up to leave :)


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