Wednesday, November 17, 2010

36 weeks

This week marks the 36th week of this pregnancy. I've been told they consider this point full term and a baby could make an appearance at any time. That said...I am no where near ready and very willing to wait another 4 weeks!

Nash and I ventured to the clinic yesterday for one of my now weekly weigh-ins wherein I treat myself afterwards to a grande caramel frappuccino. (Yes, I will tempt you again with this link.) I'm starting to like this routine, although I don't so much like the routine where I go to bed after 11pm. And no, the bedtime routine has nothing to do with the frappuccino :)

Our clinic outing yesterday yet again proved that life is always a learning experience. Nash and I learned some very important things in our time together...

* The phlebotomist will make you spell your last name for verification...regardless of the simplicity. S.M.I.T.H.

* Random women in restrooms feel it necessary to advise you that your toddler will grow up too fast. I appreciate the sincerity, but I also completely understand and pray daily that time will slow down a smidge so my 10 year old doesn't become a teenager so fast!

* The scale always lies. LIAR.

* Nash scowls at everyone. No matter what. Always. He's cute. But folks, he bites.

* Group B strep testing is super fun. (insert sarcasm)

* I am thoroughly convinced my doc would rather talk with Dave about his venison.

* Nash cannot hold an open bag of Skittles alone. No matter how much he protests. I saw this coming and still gave him the bag.

* The Starbucks gentleman thinks a scattered bag of Skittles is no big deal. Thank you friendly Starbucks gentleman!

* Bags of surprise gifts for kids should not be left on the front seat with trust that they won't peak. They peak.

I guess next week's appointment will include another trip to Starbucks and Target. (again, insert sarcasm)

I know you're all just waiting for this photo of the belly. Courtesy of Mom. Enjoy!

Nash playing with the covers for the stirrups ;)


  1. Love ALL of this! Gotta say, it's kind of strange not to see you standing in front of the orange wall at the old house, but I guess it's fitting since the new baby will grow up in the new house! :)

  2. I thought the same thing when I looked back through my posts! A little sad...

  3. I LOVE the new wall...actually looks so much brighter:) Love it. AND those pants are slimming. Worth it. YES!

  4. Man Nash is to damn cute! And you look great Court, can't wait to meet new Baby "girl" (yes that is my guess) Smith!!!


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