Saturday, September 8, 2012

one year and a 4mo old later

A year ago today we celebrated the marriage of a very special couple. My sister and Dave's brother. There are not very many couples I know who have the kind of love this couple has. (they're more like Dave and I than they care to admit) :)

I've had many, many conversations with Casey ending in happy tears because neither of us can completely explain how much loving our spouses hurts. Literally. And I can't begin to explain it here either, but Casey... you know what I'm talking about ;)

I'm thankful every day for Dave, and I knowwwww Casey and Jake are both thankful each and every day for finding each other. It was meant to be.

After a year of marriage and an adorable little man, their family has begun. I can't wait to see their love and marriage grow stronger through the years.

(these are photos I took at their wedding and never shared... sooc)

Congrats on your yearrrr anniversary!!!


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