Wednesday, May 23, 2012

daily Smith fashion

This child... I know I say this for each and every one of them, but I am in awe once again at the personaility displayed in this little one. My sister, Casey, came up with the nickname 'Rowdy' when we were visiting the Mall of America this spring and it stuck. And if there were one word I would use to describe Drew... that would be it. Rowdy!
Drew (almost 1-1/2):
Sweater: gifted from Casey (winter 2010 Target... I think... can't find online)
Romper: hand-me-down from Lia and Austyn Carter's (couldn't find this one either...but Drew might need this!)


  1. I seriously don't know how your kids keep getting cutier! And this one has attitude to boot! Love it!

  2. That first picture is pretty much to die for! (Well, they all are.) She is so adorable!!! :)

  3. Rowdy huh ? Rowdy AKA Courtney the 2nd ? LY and she is a doll.

    1. I believe so, Brenda. She has *quite* the personality!

  4. You forgot to mention Courts that Drew actually put that hat on herself! Fashion Diva!

  5. Agreed Renee, that first picture is perfect, so cute!!!


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