I'm certain I've mentioned it before, but we're lucky to have a small private school for the kids to attend in our small community. I love all the activities they're provided, and I think the kids do as well. I sure miss the Christmas concert in the beautifully renovated church, but they do a really nice job in the gym as well, just a packed house! Lucky for us, our good friends saved us a seat right.up.front! we have great friends :)
Lia - sitting, closest to the camera
Nash - ringing the blue bell
Tayt - back row in the plaid, big smiles for the camera
Austyn - front, dead center
Austyn has always loved to sing and it's always a joy listening to her. Excuse the proud mom moment and terrible recording skills, but she really did amazing. Best of the night if you ask me ;)
Austyn - on the left
Lia - middle row with the scarf
the entire group, focusing on Nash, hiding in the middle :)
kudos to the schools music teacher for doing another great job. keep up the good work!